Work realised during the POWER OF ART AND NATURE workshop, Targowo 2012
The fake remains of a wall – a tribute to a palace which existed in this park before World War II and was destroyed in 1945. The ruin is made of 98 pieces of stones and rubble, each of them carefully covered with red fabric. The stones are covered in order to protect them. It seems as if there is no need to protect something as hard as stone, but our history teaches us something else. It shows us that architecture, when left without protection, is vulnerable. It often becomes victim to violence, although it is completely innocent. It cannot be violent itself.
I carried out some personal reseach about the palace, while passing through the area. It was a time full of interesting encounters with fascinating people, but my research was fruitless. There was no information that gave a detailed location of the building; even the theories about the destruction of the palace were different. I had very limited time and resources to create the work, and crucial people who had access to documents about the building were unavailable at that time, so I decided to accept the lack of information as a part of my work.
The fake remains of a wall – a tribute to a palace which existed in this park before World War II and was destroyed in 1945. The ruin is made of 98 pieces of stones and rubble, each of them carefully covered with red fabric. The stones are covered in order to protect them. It seems as if there is no need to protect something as hard as stone, but our history teaches us something else. It shows us that architecture, when left without protection, is vulnerable. It often becomes victim to violence, although it is completely innocent. It cannot be violent itself.
I carried out some personal reseach about the palace, while passing through the area. It was a time full of interesting encounters with fascinating people, but my research was fruitless. There was no information that gave a detailed location of the building; even the theories about the destruction of the palace were different. I had very limited time and resources to create the work, and crucial people who had access to documents about the building were unavailable at that time, so I decided to accept the lack of information as a part of my work.
PAŁAC, praca zrealizowana podczas warsztatów POWER OF ART AND NATURE, Targowo 2012
Sztuczny relikt muru - hołd dla pałacu, który istniał w targowskim parku przed drugą wojną światową. Zrobiony z 98 kamieni i kawałków gruzu, dokładnie obszytych czerwoną tkaniną. Obszyłam kamienie, żeby je ochronić. Wydawałoby się, że nie ma żadnej potrzeby, by chronić coś tak twardego jak kamień, jednak historia uczy nas czego innego - architektura, choć sama w sobie niewinna, kiedy opuszczą ją ludzie, często staje się ofiarą przemocy.
Przed rozpoczęciem pracy podjęłam próbę odszukania jakichś informacji o obiekcie. Mimo że był to czas inspirujących spotkań z fascynującymi ludźmi, moja praca okazała się bezowocna. Czas i środki były ograniczone, a posiadacze kluczowych dla mnie dokumentów wypoczywali wtedy na urlopach i byli dla mnie niedostępni. Nie miałam wobec tego żadnych informacji, gdzie pałac dokładnie stał. Były różne teorie dotyczące czasu jego zniszczenia. Postanowiłam zaakceptować ten brak informacji jako część mojej pracy.